2024 Robert B. Salter Visiting Professor Dr. Scott Kozin
On behalf of The Sick Kids Orthopaedic Team and the Robert Salter Visiting Professorship
2024 Robert B. Salter Visiting Professorship
Thursday, October 31, 2024
7:30am EST
Invited Speaker:

Dr. Scott Kozin, MD
Chief of Staff, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon
Shriners Hospitals for Children® Philadelphia
Professor of Orthopaedics, Temple University School of Medicine
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Team Leader – Touching Hands Project, ASSH
Talk Title:
"Pediatric Elbow - The Bane of One's Existence"
Goals for participants to learn:
a. State the ossification centers about the pediatric elbow
b. Interpret normal and abnormal findings on the pediatric elbow x-ray
c. Discuss the treatment regimen for the lateral condyle and medial epicondyle fractures
d. Recognize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment for Monteggia fracture dislocations
Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
686 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5G 0A4
Webinar Link:
Webinar ID: 976 7875 1080 Passcode: 792279
Scott Kozin graduated from Duke University in 1982 with a degree in computer science. Medical School was completed at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, followed by orthopaedic residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center. Fellowship was completed in 1992 at the Mayo Clinic focusing on hand and microvascular surgery. Dr. Kozin initially cared for adults and children until the year 2000, when he devoted his practice and research to children at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Philadelphia. Since that time, Dr. Kozin has been an advocate for improving the lives of children via research, education, and patient care. He is currently Chief of Staff at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Philadelphia. He has published over 200 peer review papers, mainly on the care of children with various diagnoses including brachial plexus injury, spinal cord injury, and congenital differences. He routinely travels to developing countries to operate on children in need. Dr. Kozin received the Weiland Metal by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand in 2010, which honors a hand surgeon/scientist who has contributed a body of research that advances the field.
Dr. Kozin was president of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2014. He implemented the Touching Hands Project to foster hand care around the globe with a focus on developing and underserved countries. The mission statement reads “provide life-changing hand surgeries, rehabilitation and medical training in the world’s underserved communities.” The augural mission to Haiti occurred in 2014 and has increased to 10-12 annual missions around the globe. The Scott H. Kozin International Hand Surgery Traveling Fellowship is an annual $15,000 award that is given to an individual in a low-income or lower-middle-income country to travel to North America for at least 4 weeks to further their hand and upper limb education.
Dr. Kozin was a key member in the first pediatric hand transplant in 2015. The successful procedure transplanted bilateral arms to Zion Harvey and has been inspiration for children with missing limbs.
Dr. Kozin is also a devoted husband and father to his two children, Bryan and Samantha. During his leisure time, he enjoys travel, food, and biking.