Combined Mercer Rang/Jeff-McLorie Visiting Professorship – April 26, 2024


April 26th, 2024
7:30am-9am EST


PGCRL – Salter Auditorium


Zoom link
Meeting ID: 935 3006 2916
Passcode: 109304

Orthopaedic Aspects of Exstrophy

Visiting Professor:

Dr. Paul Sponseller, M.D., MBA
Chief, Division of Pediatric Orthopedics
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
The Johns Hopkins Hospital

Learning Objectives:
  1. The learner will understand the abnormal skeletal anatomy in exstrophy
  2. The attendee will be able to describe the differences between classic and cloacal exstrophy
  3. The listener will describe the options for Orthopaedic treatment of exstrophy, their goals and potential complications

Evolution on the Management of Bladder Exstrophy: The Toronto Approach

Visiting Professor:

Dr. J.L. Pippi Salle, M.D., MD, PhD, FAAP, FRCPSC
SickKids Hospital, Division of Urology

Learning Objectives:
  1. Illustrate typical and atypical presentations of the exstrophy/epispadias complex (EEC)
  2. Reflect about the main proposed approaches and make considerations about the factors that influence outcomes
  3. Discuss our learning curve on EEC, illustrating the reasons for changes in management over the years, presenting technical modifications aiming to optimize both functional as well as esthetical outcomes

* Will concentrate on males with classical bladder exstrophy