Wayne Marshall
MD, PhD, FRCSCAssistant Professor, University of Toronto
Executive Director, UHN Osteoarthritis Centre
1 (855) 607-3858
Affiliated Hospital(s)
Toronto Western Hospital (UHN)
Practice Location
Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S8
Elizabeth Colonna
Dr. Marshall has extensive clinical experience with osteoarthritis ranging from the earliest stages of cartilage injury and initial onset, to end-stage disease requiring joint replacement. Dr. Marshall has published over 100 basic research and clinical scientific papers and abstracts and has been a consultant to a number of pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Dr. Marshalls’ "bedside-to-bench-to-bedside" expertise provides a unique perspective that bridges the gap between discovery research and the identification and development of clinically relevant, commercially viable products.
Dr. Marshall received a B.Sc. from Michigan State University (1973), an M.D. from Wayne State University (1977), a Ph.D. in joint neurophysiology from the University of Toronto (1994), and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada in 1984.
Areas of Specialty and Research Interests
- Knee arthroscopy
- Biologic therapies for the knee
Osteoarthritis research; bridging the gap between discovery research and development of commercially viable products.