Dr. Raj Rampersaud in the Toronto Star: Transforming the Way Ontario Deals with Back Pain

Dr. Raj Rampersaud launched a pilot project that drastically cut wait times for treatment of lower back pain and changed how Ontario tackles the chronic complaint. He is one of 12 Canadians the Star is profiling who are making our lives better.It was sheer frustration that drove Dr. Raj Rampersaud to develop a better way to care for people with lower back pain.
A decade ago, the Toronto spine surgeon — hailed as one of the best in the world — found himself apologizing to up to 90 per cent of patients referred to him by family doctors for consultations. “There is really nothing I as a surgeon can do for you,” Rampersaud, 50, recalls telling patient after patient.
Full article: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/09/27/renowned-spine-surgeon-is-transforming-the-way-ontario-deals-with-back-pain.html