Success on Royal College Exam
Dear Colleagues,
Despite the difficulties of the past year, our trainees continue to persevere and have repeatedly met success in the face of adversity.
Despite the difficulties of the past year, our trainees continue to persevere and have repeatedly met success in the face of adversity.
I am delighted to inform you that our trainees have had 100% success in passing the Royal College Exam. Please join me in congratulating our newest Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada:
Aouod Agenor
Amy Behman
Hasaan Chaudhry
Jonathan Doyon
Matt Florczynski
Scott Kim
Jason Lam
Jhase Sniderman
We are all incredibly proud of your achievements and wish you all the best!
Peter C. Ferguson MD MSc FRCSC FAOA
Albert and Temmy Latner Chair,
Division of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery
University of Toronto