Toronto Orthopaedic Hall of Fame Inauguration
Dear Colleagues,
On Monday, June 26th we held our annual end-of-year Divisional barbeque at Hart House. This year was particularly exciting as we honoured the inaugural inductees into the Toronto Orthopaedic Hall of Fame. I have attached a photo of the inductees. Please join me in congratulating Drs. Allan Gross, Marvin Tile, Joseph Schatzker, Jim Waddell, Robert Bell, and John Wedge on their induction.
In addition we honoured several inaugural members posthumousy including Drs. Robert Salter, Mercer Rang, R.I. Harris, Ted Dewar, Ed Simmons, Ian McNabb, David Hastings, Gordon Hunter and Bob Jackson. All of our inductees will be featured on our new website in the coming weeks.
In addition, the James Waddell award for highest academic achievement in PGY-4 year, as voted on by the faculty, was a tie between Kim Tsoi and Sam Park.
Please join me in congratulating all of our honorees and awardees.

Best wishes,
Peter C Ferguson MD MSc FRCSC FAOA
Albert and Temmy Latner Chair
Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Surgery
University of Toronto