2022 Robert B. Salter Visiting Professor Dr. Stefan Parent
2022 Robert B. Salter Visiting Professorship
Friday, October 14th, 2022
8:00 to 9:00am EST
Invited Speaker:

Dr. Stefan Parent, MD, PhD
Pediatric Surgeon, Professor
University of Montreal
Talk Title:
"Lost in Rotation: How to Assess 3D Deformity in AIS"
Dr Stefan Parent, MD, PhD, is a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon and Full-Professor of Surgery at the University of Montreal. After completing his residency and his PhD in Biomedical Sciences simultaneously at the University of Montreal, he completed two clinical pediatric orthopedic fellowships (San Diego and Paris) and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at ENSAM in Paris. He is Head of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at CHU Ste-Justine. Dr Parent primarily treats scoliosis and other spinal conditions such as spondylolisthesis and vertebral fractures. On the research side he is a Principal Investigator and a ClinicianScientist with a focus on spinal deformities. He holds several grants either as principal investigator or co-investigator in the fields of scoliosis progression, growth modulation of the spine and chest cage and in the development of animal models. Recently, Dr Parent’s research team has successfully developed an animal model of growth modulation of the spine. Dr Parent has authored numerous articles and contributed to numerous textbooks in the field of spine surgery. His research has been presented at numerous national and international meetings. He often serves on the faculty of courses to teach the newest surgical techniques to other spine surgeons. He was appointed “Director-at-large” of the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) at the age of only 40, becoming only the second member under 45 to receive this honor. He also served on various nominating committees over the years to select future presidents of scholarly societies (SRS, COA) and was the Scientific Director of a joint meeting between the Canadian Orthopedic Association and the American Orthopedic Association (COA-AOA) held every 4 years. He is the current IMAST Chair.