Category: Announcements

Graduation Day 2019

Dear Colleagues, I am truly excited about our upcoming Graduation Day festivities that will be held on Friday, June 7th, after the Department of Surgery...
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More achievements for Sarah Ward and Sebastian Tomescu!

Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to inform you that both Sarah Ward and Sebastian Tomescu have just recently successfully passed their Continuing Appointment Reviews. This...
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Congratulations to Dr. Albert Yee

CaRMS Match Result – Great News!

Dear colleagues – I never get tired of saying this… Great news from the CaRMS match! Combining the CMG and IMG matches, we matched our...
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Undergraduate Medical Education Excellence in Teaching Awards

Dear Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating 3 of our community hospital colleagues for receiving these awards from the University. Drs. Dennis DiPasquale and Behzad...
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Congratulations to Sevan Hopyan

Sevan Hopyan Dear Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Sevan Hopyan for his incredible success in the recent CIHR Grant competition. Sevan was successful on...
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