Category: Announcements
Golf Tournament Prize Donations Being Accepted
Dear Toronto Ortho Staff, As you know, the University of Toronto Orthopaedic Surgery Salter Cup, our annual golf tournament, is fast approaching. This year the...
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Young Investigator Initiative Grant Mentoring and Career Development Program
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS: JULY 15, 2018 Fall Workshop – November 9-11, 2018 Toronto, ON The United States Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) and Bone...
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August 2018 Fellowship Spot Available
Hi All, We have had a last minute cancellation and now have a spot available for the University of Toronto combined orthopaedic trauma fellowship at...
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Another Outstanding CaRMS Match Result
Dear colleagues, I would like to share with you the fantastic result from the CaRMS match announced in March. Our program continues to be very...
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100% Success on Royal College Exam
Dear Colleagues, by now you no doubt have heard of the 100% success rate of our senior residents in passing their Royal College exam this...
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Honour for Professor Joseph Schatzker
Dear Colleagues, please join me in congratulating Dr. Schatzker, who recently was named a member of the Order of Saint Stanislaw class one with star,...
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