Category: Conferences and Events
Annual UofT Division of Orthopaedic Surgery Research Day – November 19, 2021
On behalf of Albert Yee, Vice-Chair of Research, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Toronto Colleagues, Please hold Friday, November 19th, 2021 for our Annual...
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UPDATED: Gordon Hunter Memorial Lecture – September 24th, 0730-0830 hrs
Dear colleagues, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the sixth Division of Orthopaedic Surgery’s Gordon Hunter Memorial Lecture that will...
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2021 Wellness Dinner
The first annual Wellness Week was a huge success. In discussion with multiple residents across the program, this week was very well received, and helped...
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Fellowship Day Summary
The Annual Fellowship Research day was successfully completed on May 20, 2021. We continued using a virtual platform. We had 32 abstracts submitted by our...
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Salter Cup 2021
Sent on behalf of Lawrence Wengle, PGY-3 Orthopaedic resident Dear faculty, fellows, residents, alumni and industry reps, I’m excited to announce that the 10th Annual...
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