Category: Featured

PROCEDURE CHANGES: International Travel for Medical Learners

Dear MD/PGME Faculty and Learners, With the increasing number of countries affected by COVID-19, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto is adopting...
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Congratulations to Paul Kuzyk, Jesse Wolfstadt and Amir Khoshbin

Dear Colleagues, As you are likely aware, our faculty members had recent success in the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy Grant Competition. Please see details below:...
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Results from CaRMS match

Dear Colleagues, We have recently received good news about the 2020 CaRMS match. We had some concerns because the number of applicants to Orthopaedics around...
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Congratulations to Tim Leroux

Dear Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Tim Leroux for successful completion of his Continuing Appointment Review (CAR). The CAR is a rigorous process that...
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Earl Bogoch Appointed as Chair, Promotions Committee

Dr. Bogoch has been appointed as Chair, Promotions Committee effective January 1, 2020. He is taking over from Dr. Howard Clarke who has been Chair...
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Dr. Jas Chahal Appointed Interim Head, Division of Orthopedic Surgery, Women’s College Hospital

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jas Chahal as Interim Head, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Women’s College Hospital, effective February 24, 2020....
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