Daniel Pincus
BA&Sc, MD, PhD, FRCSCStaff surgeon, Holland Bone and Joint Program, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Assistant Professor, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Toronto
Associate Scientist, Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute
Adjunct Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES)
416-967-8731 for referrals
Affiliated Hospital(s)
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Practice Location
Sunnybrook Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre
43 Wellesley St. E., Suite 327
Toronto, ON, M4Y 1H1
Maria Rojas
Dr. Pincus specializes in hip and knee replacement surgery (including minimally-invasive surgery and complex/revision cases). He was recruited to the Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre early in his surgical training. In 2021 he received the Bernie Langer Award from the University of Toronto Department of Surgery for showing the greatest promise as an early career surgeon for a career in academic surgery. During his training he received several awards including the:
• ‘Lawson Family Most Outstanding Graduate Award’ from the University of Toronto Orthopaedic Surgery program,
• ‘CSCI/CIHR Resident Research Award’ for the best research conducted by any University of Toronto resident,
• ‘Claire Bombardier Award’ for the most promising clinical epidemiology researcher,
• ‘Edward and Alice Palmer Memorial Scholarship’ for second highest standing in the University of Toronto medical school class, and the
• ‘Vanier CIHR Canadian Graduate Scholarship’.
Fellowship, Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, University of British Columbia (2020)
FRCSC, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Toronto (2019)
PhD, Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research, University of Toronto (2019)
MD, University of Toronto (2013)
BA&Sc, McGill University (2009)
Areas of Specialty and Research Interests
Dr. Pincus’ research focuses on improving the quality and efficiency of joint replacement surgery.
Pincus D, Jenkinson R, Paterson M, et al. Association between surgical approach and major surgical complications in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. JAMA. 2020;323(11):1070-1076.
o “Surgical Approach Tied to Risk in Hip Replacement”
o “Popular hip replacement approach shows surprising results”
Pincus D, Ravi B, Wasserstein D, et al. Association between wait time and 30-day mortality in adults undergoing hip fracture surgery. JAMA. 2017 Nov 28;318(20):1994-2003.
o “Surgery recommended within 24 hours of hip injury”
Pincus D, Wasserstein D, Ravi B, et al. Reporting and evaluating wait times for urgent hip fracture surgery in Ontario, Canada. CMAJ. Jun 2018, 190 (23) E702-E709.
o “Canadian hospitals take too long to fix broken hips”
o “Broken hips not being fixed fast enough in Ontario: study”
o “Earlier repairs for broken hips aim to save lives and cut complications”
Pincus D, Wasserstein D, Bai C, et al. Direct medical costs of motorcycle crashes in Ontario. CMAJ. 2017 Nov 20;189(46):E1410-E1415.
o “Motorcycle crashes are alarmingly common — and incredibly costly”
o “Motorcycle Crashes Far More Deadly Than Car Crashes”
Ravi B, Pincus D, Huang A, et al. Impact of concurrent surgery on complications following hip surgery. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;178(1):75-83.
o “For the first time, a study finds double-booked surgeries put patients at risk”
Merman E, Pincus D, Goldberg N, et al. Differences in Clinical Practice Guideline Authorship by Gender. The Lancet. Nov 3 2018.