2018 Staff and Fellows Appreciation Night

On behalf of 2018 graduating class Dear Staff & Fellows, We would like to thank everyone for the dedication, teaching and guidance you’ve all provided throughout our residency training. We are especially grateful for the many mock oral sessions provided to us and the time you’ve taken out of your schedule to help us prepare. […]

CSS Call for Abstracts – 2020 Whistler BC

Dear CSS Members, Please share our 2020 Call for Abstracts with any of your colleagues that may be interested in submitting for our 20th Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Spine Society being held in Whistler, BC. Please see full details below and note that the deadline for all submissions is October 31. Submit an […]

First Outpatient Knee Replacement Operations in Canada

On March 16, 2018 the first two outpatient knee replacement operations were successfully conducted at Women’s College Hospital. This is the first exclusively outpatient joint replacement program that we are aware of in Canada. Both patients underwent full knee replacement and ambulated out of the hospital, under their own power, in less than 5 hours […]

2020 Orthopaedic Fellowship Research Day – Save the Date

Dear Orthopaedic Faculty and Fellows, Please note that the 2019 Division of Orthopaedic Surgery Fellows Research Day will be held on Thursday, May 28th. Kindly mark this on your calendars. If you sync with the Divisional Calendar, this event is preentered and there’s nothing further for you to do. Please, also, ensure you mark 5 […]

Joint Preservation

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Joint preservation encompasses a variety of nonsurgical treatments and surgical procedures designed to reverse or slow the degenerative disease process and prevent or delay the need for joint replacement. The goal is to alleviate pain and optimize function, allowing people to continue participating in an active lifestyle. The goal of the […]

2024 CaRMS Match Results

Dear Colleagues, I love Match Day! I must admit it is absolutely one of my favourite days of the year – the day we get to see the outstanding young surgeons we welcome to our Toronto Orthopaedic family and who we will call a colleague for the next 5 years and beyond. We have always […]

New: Joint Preservation Fellowship at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto are pleased to announce a Joint Preservation Fellowship! Joint preservation encompasses a variety of nonsurgical treatments and surgical procedures designed to reverse or slow the degenerative disease process and prevent or delay the need for joint replacement. The goal is to alleviate pain and optimize function, […]

Faculty Dragon’s Den Research Competition – Call for Proposals

Dear faculty members, Please, see the attached call for proposals for our upcoming Faculty Research Evening. Submit your abstracts by email to Associate Program Administrator by June 1st, 2021. Thank you, Peter C. Ferguson MD MSc FRCSC FAOA Albert and Temmy Latner Chair, Division of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery University of Toronto Faculty Dragon’s Den […]

Change in 2021/22 Promotion Application Deadline

Dear Colleagues, Please note, the 2021/2022 promotions application deadline for the Department of Surgery has changed to September 1, 2021. Please feel free to contact me or Earl Bogoch, Chair of the Departmental Promotions Committee, if you have any questions or if you intend to apply for promotion. Best regards, Peter C. Ferguson MD MSc […]

Infrastructure of the Division

Chair Dr. Peter Ferguson Program Administrator Joanna Ascenzi EXECUTIVE Chair Dr. Peter Ferguson Program Director Dr. Jeremy Hall Associate Program Director Dr. Maryse Bouchard Associate Program Director Dr. Sarah Ward Associate Program Director Dr. Jeremie Larouche Undergraduate Coordinator Dr. Jesse Wolfstadt Vice Chair of Research Dr. Albert Yee RESIDENT PROGRAM COMMITTEE Program Director — Chair […]

2020 Graduation Day – Save the Date

Dear orthopaedic faculty, residents and fellows, Please note that the 2020 Division of Orthopaedics Graduation Day will be held on Friday, May 29th with Dr. David Helfet Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College and Director Emeritus of the Orthopedic Trauma Service at both Hospital for Special Surgery and New YorkPresbyterian Hospital as […]

2024 Resident-Selected University Wide Rounds

We have reached the end of the academic year and in keeping with tradition, the theme of our final University Wide Rounds – Friday June 28th at Women’s College Hospital Auditorium (70 Grenville St.), will be selected by our resident body. This year, our residents have invited Dr. Ed Harvey, Inaugural Michal and Renata Hornstein, […]

Position Advertisement: Division Head, Orthopaedic Surgery, Western University

The Department of Surgery at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, is seeking an academic Chair/Division Head/Chief for the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery with a vision to shape the Division for a fiveyear appointment, renewable once. This role is a fulltime, limited term, clinical academic appointment at the rank of Associate Professor, […]

Salter Cup 2020 Info and Registration

On behalf of Lawrence Wengle, Residents Social Rep, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Toronto Dear faculty, fellows and residents, I’m excited to announce that the 9th Annual 2020 Salter Cup Golf Tournament has been scheduled for Sunday September 20th at Eagles Nest Golf Club! As with previous years, the tournament will include an 18hole bestball style shotgun start followed by a […]

Search for Division Head of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sinai Health

Dear Colleagues, We are currently soliciting applications for Division Head of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sinai Health. Please find attached the job advertisement. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your application to Dr. Ian Witterick, SurgeoninChief. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need more information of it you […]

End of 2017-2018 Academic Year Party

On behalf of our Chair I wish to invite you to a Division of Orthopaedic Surgery End of Academic Year Party. The party will be held in a familyfriendly mode (guests, spouses and kids are welcome) on Monday, June 25th at 5:30 PM, at Hart House, University of Toronto 7 Hart House Circle. Please join […]

Success on Royal College Exam

Dear Colleagues, Despite the difficulties of the past year, our trainees continue to persevere and have repeatedly met success in the face of adversity. I am delighted to inform you that our trainees have had 100% success in passing the Royal College Exam. Please join me in congratulating our newest Fellows of the Royal College […]

Results from CaRMS 2021 Match

Dear Colleagues, This has been an exceedingly difficult year for all of us, for many reasons. I am delighted to share with you some good news for a change. We have recently received the results from the 2021 CaRMS match and we have successfully matched all of our positions with high quality candidates. There was […]

Congratulations to Joel Finkelstein

Dear Colleagues, Please join us in congratulating Dr. Joel Finkelstein in his recent appointment as the Chair holder of Sunnybrook’s Feldberg Chair in Spinal Research. This Term Chair is a terrific opportunity for Joel and his colleagues to enhance multidisciplinary academia relating to spinal research within the hospital’s clinical musculoskeletal program and beyond, synergizing efforts […]

Dr. Lucas Murnaghan

Dear Colleagues, I am so saddened to have to share with you the news of the passing of Dr. Lucas Murnaghan. Lucas passed away after a brief illness last night. I will be making a donation on behalf of our Division. Our condolences go out to his partner Antonio and Lucas’ entire family. Dr. Murnaghan’s […]

Medical Students

Undergraduate Medical Training The Division of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Toronto takes pride in its role in undergraduate medical education. The University of Toronto clerkship is divided into a number of medical and specialty rotations such as medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery. The surgical module of clerkship is currently 8 weeks. It […]

Gallie Day 2024

Dear Colleagues, You may be aware that Gallie Day, the Department of Surgery’s annual celebration of academic excellence, was held this past Friday May 3. This was a fantastic event, focussing this year on global surgery and UofT’s significant contributions in this regard. The highlight of the day was the inspirational Gordon Murray Lecture delivered […]

Research Participation Opportunity

A study based at St. Michael’s Hospital is seeking participants for research in Online Videobased Surgical Training. We are seeking participants to engage in Videobased Surgical Training, to help us better understand how medical trainees/professionals use online videobased learning materials to learn about orthopedic surgery and related topics. We plan to generate best practices in online […]

Research Funding Opportunity – Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport (TISS)

The Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport (TISS) is pleased to announce its inaugural annual 20232024 Research Accelerator Funding competition for up to $120,000 in research funding per project. Funding will support new ideas, promoting innovation and interdisciplinary research in sport science, sport medicine, and sport analytics. Project proposals from a wide range of disciplines […]

Terrible News

Dan Stojimirovic Dear Colleagues, I am so sorry to have to share with you the devastating news that our beloved Divisional Administrator Dan Stojimirovic passed away last night after a brief illness. Dan was the true heart and soul of our Division, and will always be remembered fondly by everyone who came in contact with […]

Foot & Ankle Symposium

15th Biennial Canadian Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Symposium April 56, 2024 — InterContinental Toronto Centre Click to register Canada’s Largest Surgical Foot and Ankle Meeting The University of Toronto’s Biennial Foot & Ankle Symposium’s continued success has been due to excellent speakers, dedicated participants, and enthusiastic exhibitors. With this in mind, we welcome you to […]