Category: Announcements

Congratulations to Mohit Kapoor

Dear Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Mohit Kapoor on his promotion to Full Professor. Mohit is a full time scientist in our Division at...
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CIHR Update: Congratulations to Unni Narayanan and Mark Camp

Dear Colleagues, An update about the CIHR competition: our orthopaedic faculty represented 6 of 7 successful applications in the Department! Congratulations to Unni Narayanan and...
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Important: Extension of Orthopaedic Fellowships

On behalf of Johnny Lau, Fellowship Director Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Toronto. Hi all, During the pandemic crisis, I have been working with...
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Outstanding CIHR Grant Results

Dear Colleagues – you may have seen the recent email from Dr. Rutka announcing the Department’s 2020 CIHR Project Grant Recipients. Out of a total...
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Zoom Web Meetings

Colleagues, We have purchased a Zoom Web Meeting account for the Division to conduct any meetings/rounds, etc. that we currently are unable to do in...
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Message from Postgraduate Wellness Office

Dear Colleagues, We want to take a moment to thank you for your dedication and service to the postgraduate trainees, and the public at this...
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